Machine directives, ik kan ze wel de nek omdraaien


Designing a new product or service has a certain impact on the society. The designing engineers are not only responsible for the working principle and the functionality, but should also take care of another element. Nowadays is the safety part an important stage in the design process. Safety, reliability and operability are important factors for the working of a machine. Application of security measures will reduce risks and avoid users (or other people in the environment of the machine) to be harmed. Machine directives, set up by the European parliament are a guideline for engineers to design their machines. The directives lead to a safe operation of a machine, but unforeseen circumstances are not included in the guidelines.

In mijn beste Engels probeer ik zo 4000 woorden op papier te zetten. Dit is het begin van de introduction, maar verder moet nog besproken worden wat je moet doen als de richtlijnen bepaalde omstandigheden niet dekken, en hoe je er zeker van bent dat de machine tijdens de hele levenscyclus (van montage naar gebruik tot afbreken) veilig blijft?

Juist, wish me luck: de deadline is morgen :(